>       We have this problem in my company (and I'm sure it occurs in
>       others as well).  Our web-dev guys use DreamWeaver to create
>       sexy pages.  Previously, said pages must then be taked by
>       programmers and hacked inserting "magic strings" to later be
>       substitued for dynamic content; or embedding Perl code for the
>       same thing.  This is a tedious process.  The resultant file, no
>       longer pure HTML, is something that can not be read back into
>       DreamWeaver should the page need a tweak.  Instead, the source
>       page must be modified all over again.  This is a pain.

Hmmm ... I thought one of the big pluses of Dreamweaver is that it guaranteed
roundtrip HTML. I'm guessing it doesn't?

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Tivoli Systems

I swear I'd forget my own head if it wasn't up my ass. -- Jason Bodnar

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