On Sun, 30 Jan 2000, Ron Pero wrote:

> How do you handle "sticky widgets"?

        I've never heard that term before.

> I put perl variables in the VALUE attribute of input boxes. These show up for
> the designer. Are you able to get around that?  <input type="text"
> name="CustomerFName" VALUE="[%$customer_info{'CustomerFName'}%]">

        Yes.  You simply put in dummy content:

        <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="CustomerFName" CLASS="value::customer_name"
         VALUE="Joe Blow">

        where "customer_name" is a key into the page's object hash, i.e.:

                $this->{ customer_name }

        that was presumeably read via DBI.  (You can name the key
        anything you like, of course.)

        The dummy content is substituted out for actual content.
        Again, one of the plusses for this technique is that the
        designer sees what a REAL page will look like.

        - Paul

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