On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, Perrin Harkins wrote:

I wrote:
> >     3. Non-standard tags: placed at specific points in the markup.
> >        (Another downside: DreamWeaver doesn't understand them.)

> Now that I've seen your example, it seems to me that you are doing almost
> exactly the same as #3.  The only difference is that you're using HTML
> extensions ("CLASS=foo") that are legal in authoring tools.

        Not quite.  If you use a package like Meta-HTML, the non-
        standard tags are used to do ALL the work including (for
        example) database queries and iterations.  Hence, the "logic"
        is very much embedded within a given point in the HTML file as

        My technique completely separates the logic from the dynamic
        content substitution.

> This is different from XMLC, which requires the program using it to specify
> which node to replace the contents of.

        Right: my technique is not tied to a specific node; it's tied to
        ANY node that has the right CLASS names.

> I think your approach is better.

        Thanks!  :-)

        - Paul

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