Seeing as how I might be the first person on watch today (it's only 
1/4 to 11am EST, after all...), I'll field this... 

> Mark Jaaneston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > Is this a forum where recruiters can spam for new business?  I am 
> > new here - is the any penalty for these guys?  At the very least, I'd
> > like to post references to anti-recruiter job sites.  Guys, you can
> > avoid these blood-sucking leeches and get contract and permanent work
> > without having 30-60% of your earning potential stolen from you because
> > they once happened to know somebody that you didn't.
> >
> > Yea, I hate recruiters.  Got burned twice, the second by a company that
> > swore up and down they were honest, and they were, for the first
> > contract.
> >
> > Whoops...  Sorry, I get a little upset about being raped twice.   Do we
> > discourage this type of spam?
> >
> > MJ.

I'm very sorry to hear that you were treated poorly in the past.  
I've been unimpressed by recruiters in the past as well, and as such
I tend to be very discriminating about such things.

However, no, we don't discourage this type of email. (It doesn't
even qualify as "spam" 'round these parts)  As Doug MacEachern, mod_perl
creator and "list owner", explained to me once, he is (or at least, 
has been) an independent contractor himself, and so he appreciates that
a number of people on this list could benefit from seeing this kind
of information posted here.  And information for the benefit of the
people on this list is what this list is all about, whatever form 
it may take.


 Richard Dice * Personal 514 816 9568 * Fax 514 816 9569
 Open Source Evangelist, HBE Software *
 ShadNet Creator * * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Occasional Writer, HotWired *
     "squeeze the world 'til it's small enough to join us heel to toe"
         - jesus jones

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