Richard Dice wrote:

> > Mark Jaaneston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > > Is this a forum where recruiters can spam for new business?  I am
> > > new here - is the any penalty for these guys?  At the very least, I'd
> > > like to post references to anti-recruiter job sites.  

Caveat emptor

Could you please post the references or email me direct?

I am an independent contractor in the Sunnyvale, CA area.  I do not mind
the job posts, so long as they don't take over the list.  But I only go
direct.  I am always interested in finding new prospects, and I would
love to see what you have that helps you find jobs.


> > >
> > > Yea, I hate recruiters.  Got burned twice, the second by a company that
> > > swore up and down they were honest, and they were, for the first
> > > contract.
> > >
> > > Whoops...  Sorry, I get a little upset about being raped twice.   Do we
> > > discourage this type of spam?
> > >
> > > MJ.
> I'm very sorry to hear that you were treated poorly in the past.
> I've been unimpressed by recruiters in the past as well, and as such

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (408)543-6451
Craig Shaver, Productivity Group
POB 60458 Sunnyvale, CA  94088 (650)390-0654 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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