I'm having difficulty importing certain modules into Embperl documents. Some
of these packages are standard distribution, others home-made. I'm using
apache_1.3.9/mod_perl_1.21/Embperl_1.2.0. The errors I'm seeing:

[Thu Feb  3 13:05:30 2000] [error] [8596807]ERR:  24: Line 1: Error in Perl
code: syntax error at /usr/common/perl5.005_02/lib/5.00502/IP22-irix/Test.pm
line 1, near "use strict"
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted       (in cleanup) syntax error at
/usr/common/perl5.005_02/lib/5.00502/IP22-irix/Test.pm line 1, near "use
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /www/www/research/errors/test.html line

[Thu Feb  3 13:05:59 2000] [error] [9084355]ERR:  24: Line 1: Error in Perl
code: syntax error at /www/www/lib/Testing.pm line 1, near "package Testing"
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted       (in cleanup) syntax error at
/www/www/lib/Testing.pm line 1, near "package Testing"
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /www/www/research/errors/test.html line

The test.html file contains only the [- use <MODULE_HERE> -] line. The module
Testing.pm is simply 'package Testing; 1;'. My apache configuration file has
the following:

PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_OPTIONS              2178
PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_LOG                  /dev/null
PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_DEBUG                0
PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_MAIL_ERRORS_TO       embperl

Perlrequire  /www/www/lib/modperl-startup.pl

<FilesMatch ".*\.html$">
SetHandler  perl-script
PerlHandler HTML::Embperl
Options     +ExecCGI

modperl-startup.pl is pretty standard, imports modules that are commonly used,
sets up the lib path, etc. Any ideas?


Christian Gilmore
Senior Technical Staff Member
AT&T Labs IP Technology, Florham Park

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