On Sun, 6 Feb 2000, Stas Bekman wrote:

> > > EVERYTHING=1 should install PerlSSI as well.
> > > 
> > > Configure perl-status to work (see 'perldoc Apache::Status') then do: 
> > > http://localhost/perl-status?hooks to check the enabled hooks.
> > 
> > Thanks for that information. That showed me that PERL=SSI is *disabled.* 
> > Guess I need to install again from CPAN, huh? Any way to just enable
> > PERL=SSI without rebuilding?
> Ooops, I was wrong, you need to use ALL_HOOKS=1 to enable all handlers or
> just PERL_SSI=1 for PerlSSI. 
> (I thought EVERYTHING=1 installs it all :)

uhmn, EVERYTHING=1 should enable PERL_SSI too. It does for me.

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