Matt Sergeant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Has anyone delivered a commericial mod_perl application before? If so, how
> do you handle demo versions, preferably with expiration dates? One thought
> is to simply xor encrypt some of the modules when the user downloads it,
> mail him a key, and use the Filter module to decrypt at runtime using his
> key (retrieved from STDIN at server startup time).


The problem is that no matter how you encrypt the system, it has to
know how to decrypt itself.  That is, if you xor, or even used DES or
IDEA or whatnot, the key (password, etc) has to be included with the
modules, and therefore a suitably sophisticated programmer could
extract the key, decrypt your code, and have his way with your

It can be very frustrating to not be able to compile perl :(

Even without the key, they could use some kind of B::Deparse trick to
get just about all of the code anyway.

It's a problem we've run up against where I work.  We've considered a
number of possibilities, but none are perfect.

Unfortunately all you can hope for is to make it very, very hard for
them to modify; with enough resources, a sufficiently sophisticated
attacker could change your code and make it non-trial without a huge
amount of labor.


Chip Turner                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                              Programmer, ZFx, Inc.
                              PGP key available at

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