>Keep-Alive is a function of the web-server. There are no script changes
>involved to keep a connection alive. All you have to do on the server side
>is to enable Keep-Alive. See http://www.apache.org/docs/keepalive.html for
>an explanation. 

The web servers (apache, IIS) already have the Keepalive setting on and 
properly keeps connection alive. The web server keeps the connection alive 
when the browser is fetching static HTML pages.

Proof: telnet to fetch static document will remain open, ie, i can 
fetch as many static pages from one single telnet session without 
getting "connection to host lost" so long I specify 
"Connection: Keep-Alive" in the telnet session.

BUT the connection dies when the browser is fetching dynamic mod_perl pages. 
This is where I would like to know if this is a perl/modperl issue or an
apache/IIS issue.

Proof: telnet to fetch the perl script will be closed after perl
finished running the script, ie, I get "connection to host lost"
immediately after the script finishes.

is this a perl/modperl issue? where can i get docs to solve this?


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