On Sat, 15 Apr 2000, John S. Evans wrote:

> So digging a little deeper (and through the magic of trial and error), the
> offending module seems to be Mail::Field.
> It has a bunch of code to dynamically load perl classes for various types of
> fields (AddrList, Date, Content-Type, etc), and this code seems to do
> something that makes modperl (or apache) very unhappy.
> Basically, it seems to blow through the INC list, looking for a directory
> that matches Mail::Field.  When it finds such a directory, it blows
> recursively through it, using "require" on every file it finds.

you don't say what version of mod_perl you're using.  1.22 should fix
this.  turning PerlFreshRestart off will also fix.

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