According to Joshua Chamas:

> I like the mod_proxy module in reverse httpd accel mode, but 
> am interested in having some nicer failure capabilities.  I have 
> hacked in this kind of stuff before but was wondering if anyone 
> had any official patch for this kind of stuff.  
> The nicety under consideration is having the mod_proxy module do 
> X retries every Y seconds instead of failing immediately.  This 
> would allow a backend Apache httpd do a stop/start without any
> downtime apparent to the client besides the connection breaks
> from the stop.  Depending on how much preloading is done at the
> parent httpd, a start could take 5-10 seconds, and during this
> time it would be cool if the proxy could just queue up requests.
> Anyone does this with some nice ProxyTimeout ProxyRetry config
> options?  Thanks.

No, but I'd like to add to the wishlist that it should do
load balancing and failover across multiple backends too.
Mod_jserv appears to have a pretty good scheme of letting
you describe the balanced sets and an interface to view
and control the backend status.  The only problem is that
it is restricted to the jserv protocol for the backends.

  Les Mikesell

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