On Apr 21, Michael hall wrote:
> I'm on the new-httpd list (as a lurker, not a developer :-). Any ideas,
> patches, help porting, etc. would be more than welcome on the list.
> Mod-Proxy is actually kind of in limbo, there are some in favor of
> dropping it and others who want it. I guess the code is difficult and
> not easy to maintain and thats why some would just as soon see it go
> unless someone steps up to maintain (redesign) it. There are some
> working on it and apparently it will survive in some form or another.
> Now would be a perfect time for anybody to get involved in it.

mod_backhand may also be the solution people are after.


(Sorry for the off-topic-ness.)

I'm also coming around to the idea that caching proxies have some
very interesting applications in a web-publishing framework outside
of caching whole pages. All sorts of areas to exploit mod_perl in
that sort of framework.


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