> Well, that subject line looks a bit odd, doesn't it? What I mean is that
> with Perl 5.6.0, Apache::DB is broken, because it doesn't break... Er,
> that is, you can add breakpoints, but Apache::DB never actually breaks on
> them.
> Is anyone else having this problem? Is there a new version in the works?

I've got a bit more info on this now. Nothing has changed on my PC (Linux RH 6.2) 
since this morning, other than updating Perl from 5.005_03 to 5.6.0. Apache::DB _was_ 
working fine.

When I add a breakpoint, tab completion works fine to enter a sub name, and no errors 
are given by the debugger. However, doing an 'L' doesn't show any breakpoints, and no 
breaks occur.

I've tried replacing perl5db.pl in 5.6.0 with the version from 5.005_03, but the 
behaviour is the same.

Anyone else having this trouble? Anyone successfully used Apache::DB in 5.6.0?

  Jeremy Howard

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