On Thu, 18 May 2000, brian moseley wrote:

> On Thu, 18 May 2000, Jeffrey W. Baker wrote:
> > .= concatenation is way faster
> i don't have any results to back up my claim. therefore,
> my words are eaten :)
> i was convinced tho, even way back before you came to cp. i
> wonder what convinced me!

that was probably me :)  but, i don't recall suggesting join.
but i do recall pushing away from concat when print()-ing, this benchmark
also illustrates why i made Apache::print dereference references to
strings.  5.005_03 does seem todo better with the array benchmark than
5.006, oh well.  there's tradeoffs both ways, i don't think there's a
clear winner.

Benchmark: timing 30000 iterations of array, concat, ref_array...
     array:  8 wallclock secs ( 6.90 usr +  0.27 sys =  7.17 CPU) @4184.10/s (n=30000)
    concat:  7 wallclock secs ( 5.98 usr +  0.16 sys =  6.14 CPU) @4885.99/s (n=30000)
 ref_array:  5 wallclock secs ( 4.59 usr +  0.16 sys =  4.75 CPU) @6315.79/s (n=30000)

use Benchmark;

open my $fh, ">/dev/null" or die;

my($one, $two, $three) = map { $_ x 4096 } 'a'..'c';

timethese(30_000, {
                  'ref_array' => sub {
                      my @a;
                      push @a, \($one, $two, $three);
                  'array' => sub {
                      my @a;
                      push @a, $one, $two, $three;
                  'concat' => sub {
                      my $s;
                      $s .= $one;
                      $s .= $two;
                      $s .= $three;

sub my_print {
    for (@_) {
        print $fh ref($_) ? $$_ : $_;

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