Following Tim's comments here is the new benchmark. (I'll address the
buffering issue in another post)

  use Benchmark;
  use Symbol;

  my $fh = gensym;
  open $fh, ">/dev/null" or die;
  sub multi_print{
    print $fh "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN\">";
    print $fh "<HTML>";
    print $fh "  <HEAD>";
    print $fh "    <TITLE>";
    print $fh "      Test page";
    print $fh "    </TITLE>";
    print $fh "  </HEAD>";
    print $fh "  <BODY BGCOLOR=\"black\" TEXT=\"white\">";
    print $fh "    <H1> ";
    print $fh "      Test page ";
    print $fh "    </H1>";
    print $fh "    <A HREF=\"foo.html\">foo</A>";
    print $fh "    <HR>";
    print $fh "  </BODY>";
    print $fh "</HTML>";
  sub single_print{
    print $fh qq{<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN">
      Test page
  <BODY BGCOLOR="black" TEXT="white">
      Test page 
    <A HREF="foo.html">foo</A>
  sub here_print{
    print $fh <<__EOT__;
      Test page
  <BODY BGCOLOR="black" TEXT="white">
      Test page 
    <A HREF="foo.html">foo</A>
  sub list_print{
    print $fh "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN\">",
              "  <HEAD>",
              "    <TITLE>",
              "      Test page",
              "    </TITLE>",
              "  </HEAD>",
              "  <BODY BGCOLOR=\"black\" TEXT=\"white\">",
              "    <H1> ",
              "      Test page ",
              "    </H1>",
              "    <A HREF=\"foo.html\">foo</A>",
              "    <HR>",
              "  </BODY>",
    (500_000, {
          list_print   => \&list_print,
          multi_print  => \&multi_print,
          single_print => \&single_print,
          here_print   => \&here_print,

And the results are:

  single_print:  1 wallclock secs ( 1.74 usr +  0.05 sys =  1.79 CPU)
  here_print:    3 wallclock secs ( 1.79 usr +  0.07 sys =  1.86 CPU)
  list_print:    7 wallclock secs ( 6.57 usr +  0.01 sys =  6.58 CPU)
  multi_print:  10 wallclock secs (10.72 usr +  0.03 sys = 10.75 CPU)

Numbers tell it all, I<'single_print'> is the fastest, 'here_print' is
almost of the same speed, I<'list_print'> is quite slow and
I<'multi_print'> is the slowest.

If we run the same benchmark using the unbuffered prints by changing
the beginning of the code to:

  use Symbol;
  my $fh = gensym;
  open $fh, ">/dev/null" or die;
     # make all the calls unbuffered
  my $oldfh = select($fh);
  $| = 1;

And the results are:

  single_print:  4 wallclock secs ( 2.28 usr +  0.47 sys =  2.75 CPU)
  here_print:    2 wallclock secs ( 2.45 usr +  0.45 sys =  2.90 CPU)
  list_print:    7 wallclock secs ( 7.17 usr +  0.45 sys =  7.62 CPU)
  multi_print:  23 wallclock secs (17.52 usr +  5.72 sys = 23.24 CPU)

The results are worse by the factor of 1.5 to 2, with only
I<'list_print'> changed by very little.

So if you want a better performance, you know what technique to use.

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker       mod_perl Guide 

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