
You and are are saying the same thing, just with different terminology.
I agree completely. :-)


James G Smith wrote:
> Nathan Wiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  UseCanonicalName   On    # = 1
> >  UseCanonicalName   Off   # = 0
> >  #UseCanonicalName  On    # = undef (commented out)
> >
> >That way, the logic in your script/module/whatever can set a default
> >value:
> >
> >   if ( ! defined($conf->{usecanonicalname}) ) {
> >      # not specified, set default(s)
> >   } elsif ( ! $conf->{usecanonicalname} ) {
> >      # explicitly turned off
> >   } else {
> >      # explicitly turned on
> >   }
> I think I would prefer it not exist in the hash if it is commented out in the
> config file (the same as not existing in the config file).  Then
>   UseCanonicalName   On    # = 1
>   UseCanonicalName   Off   # = 0
>   UseCanonicalName         # = undef
>   #UseCanonicalName  On    # = non-existant (commented out)
> Otherwise, we can't distinguish between the last two possibilities.
> --
> James Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 979-862-3725
> Texas A&M CIS Operating Systems Group, Unix

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