On Thu, 13 Jul 2000, Andrew Chen wrote:

> The second strategy is to get mod_perl to compromise between the effects
> of PerlRunOnce On and PerlRunOnce Off. Is there an easy for for PerlRun to
> flush everything (including packages) that wasn't preloaded in the
> startup.pl file? That would be a compromise between killing the child
> everytime and keeping all the packages around.

It already flushes everything defined within your script.  If you want to
flush things defined in other packages as well, you could copy the (fairly
simple) code from PerlRun that does this and apply it to other packages.

Before you do this though, consider whether or not you really need to.  If
you're using things from CPAN or that you've written as actual modules
with their own packages and "use strict" on, you shouldn't need to flush

- Perrin

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