Hi Jason,
             well sed and you need to leave dialogue open() to discussion
! disconnect() IYKW?M..
                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Jason Murphy wrote:
> >>>>> "d" == davidu  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> d> and have not come across any that have real skills.  Where do all the
> d> mod_perl coders hang out?
>  (To tell you the truth, I don't know who originally posted this question)
>  However, I should point out that when you look for a mod_perl programmer,
> that you be a bit open minded.
> I personally feel there are few mod_perl coders out there that have "real
> skills" when you look at the big picture.
> As some others have suggested in other threads that you take a perl coder
> or someone willing to learn and teach them mod_perl. When it comes to
> mod_perl programmers, there is a limited supply.
>  Jason Murphy

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Reuters, London, February 29, 1998:
Scientists have announced discovering a meteorite which will strike the
earth in March, 2028.  Millions of UNIX coders expressed relief for being
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