On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Joshua Chamas wrote:

> Matt Sergeant wrote:
> > 
> > On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Ime Smits wrote:
> > 
> > > In short, I have the following in mind and partially worked out in actual
> > > code. A package VBScript::Parser which offers:
> > >
> > >     $parser=new VBScript::Parser;
> > >     $evalable_perl_code = $parser->parse($complete_asp_page);
> > 
> > No. The problem is that it would be really great if this could be a
> > generic VBScript parser, rather than an ASP/VB parser.
> > 
> ???.  This will be a generic parser for VBScript.  What I would 
> feed it from Apache::ASP is a wholly native VBScript, with all 
> the static html ASP parts compiled out already into $response->write('');
> string, or something to that effect.  Ime's VBScript parser
> will not have to know anything about static HTML bits, nor ASP
> objects, that's the beauty of something like a pure vbscript to
> perl parser.  I'll handle all of the object definitions on the 
> other side, I already do, and do both pre & post processing to
> the ASP script so that hey can focus on the hard part, the 
> VBScript parser.

I guess what I was picturing, was setting up Apache::ASP so that its no
longer perl dependant at all, and that language specific bits aren't
included anywhere. If you pass:

Response.Write "Hello "


To a VBScript parser it should die. So you could define the concept of how
to write "$response->write( ... );" in other languages somehow, in the
actual class that implements (or calls) the parser. That way pluging in a
JScript parser becomes easier, and you could even support multiple
languages in the same file, a-la MS ASP.


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