| so are you actually going to write a VBScript to perl parser?  I was
| thinking of undertaking this project myself, but I've never written a
| or a parser or anything like that.

For what it's worth: Some months ago I was facing the problem of moving
several ASP scripted IIS/Microsoft SQL sites to a Unix Apache/mySQL server.
And instead of doing things by hand, I wrote a tool do do the conversion. It
did the trick for the projects I initially intended it for. But after
extending functionality over and over together with a collegue who's perl
knowledge is far less advanced, I finally abonded development of my tool
when it reached 1500 obfuscated lines of perl code and things got unreadible
even for myself. I am planning to do a complete OO rewrite someday - but my
resources are very limited at the moment.

For basic VBScripting and it generates working stand-alone perl scripts
suitable for plain CGI and mod_perl, test it on

Let me know if someone starts with Parse::VBScript, I am willing to


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