On 3 Aug 2000, (Randal L. Schwartz) wrote:

> >>>>> "Drew" == Drew Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Drew> I suppose I could... I was planning on having a nice checklist of
> Drew> features/systems that would be a pain to do in a fixed width font. An
> Drew> HTML table would make my life MUCH easier there. Is there something in
> Drew> POD that makes tables easier?
> Why don't you write it as XML, then use Template::Toolkit and the DOM
> interface to generate what you want.

Or XML::Simple with TT...

Anyway, I've got a Pod::DocBookXML here somewhere if you want it. That
would allow all authoring in POD, with =for docbook sections doing the
tables. (of course you could do that with HTML too).


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