mgraham ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this effect:
> With the above I expect to be able to call the following in some
> handler:
>     Foo::load_var()
> ...and $PACKAGE_LEXICAL should still be 'wubba'.

...Except that by calling Foo:load_var() you are setting $PACKAGE_LEXICAL
to undef (by passing in an empty list via ()), rather than retrieving it.
You should do something like:

package Foo;

{ # Block scope this stuff just to ensure that no other subroutine besides
  # var can modify $PACKAGE_LEXICAL.
    sub var {
            ? $PACKAGE_LEXICAL = shift
            : $PACKAGE_LEXICAL;

# More of package Foo here...

This will set $PACKAGE_LEXICAL if you pass something in, and return it, or
just return it otherwise.  Each child will have its own $PACKAGE_LEXICAL.


All things are possible, except for skiing through a revolving door.

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