        I used acmemail in two projects and liked it. I didn't test it under
mod_perl, but the code as I remember was developed to run under mod_perl
and appeared to avoid all the common mod_perl traps.
        To create new users, I don't dedicated much time to find a better
solution, but it worked well to put users and passwords in a file and
scheduling a chpasswd or newusers in crontab.
        One thing I liked in acmemail is that it stores sessions in a mysql
database, so it's easy to develop other things using the same session.
        I know another very good webmail that's running here with about
1.500.000 users under mod_perl, but it's not free. You can obtain more
information emailing to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

martin langhoff wrote:
> hi,
>         i'm looking around, searching webmail solutions that run without
> problems under mod_perl. Although I know there are many, most of them
> are not very mod_perl friendly.
>         now, the actual questions are
>         - is anyone here running (successfuly) a mod_perl webmail?
>         - Which one?
>         - How did you solve the 'create new user' issue? Which MTA are you
> using?
>         - Did you get burned with any particular issue / webmail solution?
> martin

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