I found the one that Luis suggested, (acmemail) and a few more,
including WING. These 2 are the only ones programmed to take advantage
of mod_perl. I fear the other ones are not mod_perl aware, so the may
not be safe/efficient under mod_perl, so my choices are mainly between
these two. 

        Acmemail is nicely documented, and seems 'ready to go' (tempting!),
although I fear it may not be as configurable as I want. Do you know
anything about it? 

        WING (http://users.ox.ac.uk/~mbeattie/wing) on the other hand, seems to
offer raw power, but all it offers is a bare webpage without much actual
implementation details. 

        please don't think I was bought by the eyecandy in acmemail page
(http://www.astray.com/acmemail), but I need a working solution in a
reasonable timeframe. Acmemail seems to need some tweaking to make it
work. WING, well, either I didn't understand well or needs me to study
the man pages of its modules and design and code an implementation.

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