On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, Lupe Christoph wrote:

> Hello!
> Sorry about the lack of response. I was very busy the last few days.
> On Tuesday, 2000-08-22 at 11:26:00 +0200, Stas Bekman wrote:
> > On Tue, 22 Aug 2000, Lupe Christoph wrote:
> > > I thought about it a little more. What is does is find the
> > > (cpu|real)time taken to process a request. So what about
> > > Apache::RequestTimer or maybe Apache::Perf::RequestTimer, creating
> > > a new namespace for all performance-related modules?
> > Both sound good time, especially the second :)
> Apache::Perf::RequestTimer it is. then. The next version will
> carry the new name (whatever it does ;-).

Ok. So we are about to open a new tree Apache::Perf. Good. 

> > > This times the entire request. I'll split the CPU times out in times
> > > for the Apache process and that for it and all it's children in the
> > > nect release to accomodate CGI. Can't do anything about FastCGI
> > > and such things that run independent of the Apache process.
> > If you are going to make it non-mod_perl specific (if I understand your
> > intentions correctly) you shouldn't put it under Apache:: tree.
> Nope. I'll stick to mod_perl. But it is not mod_perl-specific in
> what it measures.  You can use it to measure PHP and mod_<foo>.
> It just uses mod_perl. FastCGI and kin use external processes,
> for which this approach can't gather CPU statistics.

Great! I didn't think about this. It'd be really cool, if php users will
plug mod_perl in especially for performance measuring :)

> > > As for statistics, I'm thinking about splitting out the host
> > > first, second the method (GET, POST, etc), then the URI, with the
> > > request string removed, maybe the request strings under the URI
> > > at a later time.
> > A good advise would be to let the user to specify the format, following
> > for example the same format that one uses to specify log format in Apache,
> > may be with extra tokens, which are unavailable by Apache.
> I thought about this, too. It's a little much for a first shot,
> unless somebody has code I can borrow. And then, this might be
> a nice module in itself...


> > BTW, the time taken to server the request is already there: %...{format}t:
> Have you tried that? It gives you entire seconds! That's why I started
> on this module in the first place.

Nope, I didn't. Wrong suggestion, sorry.

> > > Print the top <n> requests by user CPU, system CPU, realtime.
> > > Do that in plain text and HTML, with graphs later.
> > BTW, Apache::VMonitor does that this in the real time, for the last
> > request.
> I'll have a look at that. maybe there's code waiting to be stolen...

may be :)

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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