On Tue, Aug 29, 2000 at 01:10:46PM -0700, Joshua Chamas wrote:
> Francesco Pasqualini wrote:
> > 
> > can someone suggest me the best way to build a multilanguage web site
> > (english, french, ..).
> > I'm using Apache + mod_perl + Apache::asp (for applications)
> > 
> > Can be usefull XML/XSL whit AxKit ?
> > Is there any example/guideline ?
> > 
> The approach used by Paul at RedHat seems to have been
> to wrap internationalized messages with <tag>message</tag>
> where <tag> is an XMLSub, which would do a lookup at runtime
> into a message catalog for the right message, based on what
> language the client was set to.  I'm sure its much more
> complicated than that, but that was the gist of it.

Yeah, it's more complicated than that.  :-)

Basically there are four tools that we use, based on a hacked version
of Locale::PGetText, and the standard .po file format provided by GNU
gettext.  The tools are:

XText      - extracts <msg>xxx</msg> text, Apps::gettext() strings into

... then we cp messages.po to messages.<LANGCODE>.po and convert

MsgProcess - processes messages.<LANGCODE>.po into messages.db

msgmerge   - standard GNU gettext stuff.

At runtime the code dynamically looks up the message text in the local
messages.db file.

Let me know if anyone is interested in this stuff.  It's a bit rough
at this point but works quite well for us.

Paul Lindner
Red Hat Inc.

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