Hi all,

On Sun, 3 Sep 2000, [UTF-8] Ričardas Čepas wrote:

> On Fri Sep  1 23:18:13 2000 -0400 Eric L. Brine wrote:
>         This would require unicode capable browser anyway.  Even more,
> Netscape v4 doesn't show these escapes unless you set encoding to utf-8.

There's a rather good document about character set encoding at


and some useful background stuff at


Flavell has done a lot of good work on browser response too, if you
browse around those sites you'll find there's a table there somewhere
which shows how many different browser versions respond to what I'd
call `funny characters'.

See also 'man unicode', 'man utf-8' (even 'man latin-1') on Linux.


(And what's all this \342\230\273 stuff?  Looks funny in Pine...:)

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