On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Perrin Harkins wrote:

> "Paul J. Lucas" wrote:
> >         And I still think that:
> > 
> >           <DIV CLASS="employee_info">
> >             Name: <SPAN CLASS="text::name">John Q. Public</SPAN><BR>
> >             Job: <SPAN CLASS="text::job">mod_perl guru</SPAN>
> >           </DIV>
> > 
> >         is cleaner still: *pure* HTML (no fake elements) that any web
> >         tool will understand and dummy-content so the page designer can
> >         see the end-product before any code is written.
> Having placeholder data in there is an interesting benefit.  What about
> conditionals and loops though?  Wouldn't they break the "preview"
> ability?

That is a loop - just a single line of it, thats all. This is the same as
Enhydra's XMLC technology. You compile it down to a class that gives you
access to attributes named text::name, then you subclass that class
(allowing you to recompile the base class at any time and not affect your
code) and make it loop however many times you need by manipulating a DOM.


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