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At 2:23 PM -0400 9/8/00, Aaron Johnson wrote:
>a) the link actually goes to a local page that then pulls the unique code for
>that user and appends it to the
>URL for the domain2.net site and they are sent with the unique code via post.
>domain2.net then looks up the info for unique code in the shared session
>database.  Along with the code as the key the session database also would hold
>the user name and "clearance" of the user (possibly other fields like IP) and
>the server would also check the HTTP_REFERER  to see if it is in the "valid"

Note that that is neither secure nor reliable.  HTTP_REFERER can be 
trivially forged, and reloads cause it not to appear at all.  That's 
why I recommend an encrypted version of the login information in the 
URL.  You can encrypt a timestamp with it, or allow a given 
encryption key to be used only once, so as to ensure that the URL 
can't be reused by a third party.  Remember too that anything you 
pass in the URL will end up in your log files--do you trust everyone 
who can get access to those?  Are they kept secure?

>Is it hard to spoof a HTTP_REFERER?


>Is it as easy as sending a modified header?


- -- 

Kee Hinckley - Somewhere.Com, LLC - Cyberspace Architects
(Now playing: http://www.somewhere.com/playlist.cgi)

I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
everyone else's.

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