"Peiper,Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > and I didn't see any directly relevant listings.  They 
> > apparently hold a patent
> > related to embedding session data in the path-info; 
> >
>       You HAVE to be kidding me? I have been embedding session data in
> URL's for 7 years... and they patented that?! *sigh* I guess it just seemed
> to logical for me to ever dream of patenting it.
>       Richard 

from http://www.patents.ibm.com/details?pn=US05708780__
This invention relates to methods for controlling and monitoring access to network
servers. In particular, the process described in the invention includes client-server
sessions over the Internet involving hypertext files. In the hypertext environment, a
client views a document transmitted by a content server with a standard program
known as the browser. Each hypertext document or page contains links to other
hypertext pages which the user may select to traverse. When the user selects a link
that is directed to an access-controlled file, the server subjects the request to a
secondary server which determines whether the client has an authorization or valid
account. Upon such verification, the user is provided with a session identification
which allows the user to access to the requested file as well as any other files
within the present protection domain. 

It looks like they were awarded a patent in 1998 for using session data in the 
URL for authentication, as Kee pointed out.  Pretty damn original, no?

I think we're really OT with this thread; probably it should be on /. or
private mailings going forward.

Joe Schaefer

SunStar Systems, Inc.

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