On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, Justin wrote:

> Can anyone tell me the easiest slickest way of determining
> what was responsible for requesting a module, having discovered
> that it has been loaded when viewing perl-status?

package A;
use Carp ();
BEGIN { Carp::cluck("I don't want to wake up!!!")}

require "A.pm";

now run:
% perl test.pl
I don't want to wake up!!! at A.pm line 4
        A::BEGIN() called at A.pm line 4
        eval {...} called at A.pm line 4
        require A.pm called at test.pl line 1

Also see:
perldoc -f caller

> and while I've got the podium:
> I would like to congratulate Doug and 
> everyone involved in modperl.. by checking
> pcdataonline.com, I found our entirely modperl site is
> now #1850 in the top 10,000 websites, with over 10 million
> *entirely dynamic* pages pushed out a month.. to half a 
> million unique users. This is a single Dell 2300 box with
> two PII 450s cpus and a gig of memory.. (the mysql server
> is on another box). Most pages are built between 20-100ms
> of user time.. the same box runs backend and frontend
> servers, serves images as well, plus a hunk of other
> processes.
> If a fortune500 company asked razor fish / concrete media
> to build them a website that would scale to that, with
> entirely dynamic pages, they'd be dragging the client down
> to Sun to pick out the color of their enterprise 4000, or
> microsoft would be pushing a cluster of multi processor
> compaqs and NT servers with all possible software trimmings
> added.. and then you'd need a team of specialists to keep
> the whole thing moving.. no wonder dotcoms go broke.

Wow! That's cool!

> modperl is the best kept secret on the net. Shame!


Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/       mod_perl Guide  http://perl.apache.org/guide 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://apachetoday.com http://jazzvalley.com
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