On Mon, 25 Sep 2000, B. Burke wrote: > I've been able to basically remove the response headers by removing the > functionality > of ap_sen_header_field() before compiling Apache, but it would be nice to you don't have to remove anything, just don't call $r->send_http_header and make sure PerlSendHeader is configured to Off, then Apache will not send any headers.
- question: using Apache for non-HTML messages B. Burke
- Re: question: using Apache for non-HTML messages Matt Sergeant
- Re: question: using Apache for non-HTML message... B. Burke
- Re: question: using Apache for non-HTML mes... David Alan Pisoni
- PerlSendHeader Off & socket persistence... Doug MacEachern
- PerlSendHeader Off & socket persist... B. Burke
- Re: PerlSendHeader Off & socke... Doug MacEachern
- Update: Re: PerlSendHeader Off... B. Burke
- Re: Update: Re: PerlSendHe... Doug MacEachern
- Re: Update: Re: PerlSendHe... B. Burke
- Re: Update: Re: PerlSendHe... Doug MacEachern