On Thu, 28 Sep 2000, Philip Molter wrote:
> Recently, one of my co-employees has been messing around with Zope
> (http://www.zope.org) and I was wondering if there's a package that
> provides similar functionality using mod_perl and Apache rather than
> its own web server.  Specically, what I want to do is define template
> web objects that can be rendered as web pages or inherited by other
> web objects.  The end result is that I should be able to define a
> stylesheet or web template for each defined object and simply use
> scripts/CGI/what-have-you to populate the objects, returning the HTML
> to the web browser.

My experience with Zope is that it's not as simple as it might initially
look and you have to write Python code to do anything useful.  However,
there are some Perl projects with a similar goal.  You might look at
http://wirm.org/ or http://sourceforge.net/projects/iaido/.

- Perrin

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