Thanks Aaron,

The altered connect call was exactly what I was after...( and it worked as expected - 
no more database sessions for the authenticating users ).

A little more background may explain the odd ( ? ) construction.

I wanted to make the design easily portable to different databases - so either I had 
to code around the different ways that they store usernames and passwords, or create 
my own user attributes table ( 2nd is not such a bad idea ). However the user 
population already has database accounts for other stuff, so I thought I would 
"leverage" off that....( bad marketing speak alert just then it portrays the idea ok).

The security question I have currently ignored as the webapp is used on a closed lan, 
however I plan to alter this by ensuring that the page that accepts username, passwd 
is only callable via https. It will then ( optinally ) switch back to http when 
redirecting to the continuation page....

Thanks for your help


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 1:55 AM
> To:   Mark Kirkwood
> Subject:      Re: Disable/Enable  Persistant Connections On Demand
> at a time earlier than now, Mark Kirkwood wrote:
> > Dear List,
> > 
> > This may be a stupid question... but anyway... 
>  no way. Apache::DBI and DBI kind of cheat and automagically make stuff 
>  happen. it's very cool, but it can also be hard to extend or modify for 
>  specific situations.
> > This works great, because most of the web site uses a "generic" user to connect to 
>the database. However I do authentication via the database ( i.e : attempt a 
>connection using supplied user/pwd and if so set a cookie and continue on using the 
>generic user/pwd) , and these "once only" connections persist too. 
>  would it be better to query a table, maybe a system table, to verify login? 
>  i assume you are using ssl to encrypt these user/password pairs, but it 
>  doesn't seem as though you have a need for a connection. 
>  of course, it is probably just a political situation where the users who are 
>  logging in already have accounts, you don't have access to system tables b/c
>  the dba doesn't want let you and so on.
>  *** i did not test i am not recommending i am not responsible ***
>  anyway... you could probably just get away with calling connect like this:
>   DBI->connect('dbi:mysql:dbname=db','user','pass',
>               {attr=>value},
>               undef,
>               'connect');
>  which will set $connect_meth to it's default value 
>     my $connect_via = "connect";
>  and set connect_meth to 'connect' and not 'Apache::DBI::connect' 
>     $connect_via = "Apache::DBI::connect";
>  so that when this code runs you are good to go without Apache::DBI.
>  $drh->$connect_meth($dsn, $user, $pass, $attr)
>  he he. ugh. take a look at the source, you'll see what's going on.
>  aaron
>  let me know what happens
> > Thus after 100 folk have logged in there are 100 ( unused ) connections. I would 
>like to have these authentication once only connection not persist.
> > 
> > Is there any way to "by default" use persistent connections but on occasions not ?
> > 
> > Thanks in advance for your help
> > 
> > Mark

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