On Fri, 6 Oct 2000 15:48:20 -0500 (CDT), Randy Kobes wrote:
>It would be good to try to track this down ...
>- if you use a non-mod_perl apache config file, but simply
>add in a line to load ApacheModulePerl.dll, does the problem

Using the a stripped down httpd.conf, with just the line:

LoadModule perl_module modules/ApacheModulePerl

added, causes Apache to raise an application error after doing:

net start apache
net stop apache

(i.e. starting and stopping apache as a service)

>Does it occur if you simply stop and start apache,
>or is it only after certain requests are made? Can you
>narrow down the type of requests that cause the problem?
>- are you preloading any perl modules? 
>If so,
>can you narrow it down as to which one(s) cause the error?
>Or perhaps, if it's only after certain requests are made,
>which scripts or modules seem to cause the error? Is there 
>anything useful in the apache error log?

No requests need to be made to replicate the error, it just needs to be
started and stopped; nothing is logged.

>- are you using an apache binary *without* EAPI support
>(used, eg, by mod_ssl)? The mod_perl ppm was compiled
>without EAPI support.

AFAIK, no.

I'm trying it with two versions of Apache; one I compiled using the
1.3.12 source (using default settings), and the precompiled Win32

>- did you clean out all files and libraries from a possible
>earlier installation before installing these? Especially

Yup - building from scratch makes no difference (neither does
reinstalling everything...)

>If you want to compile your own, grab the latest cvs
>mod_perl sources (links are at http://perl.apache.org/).
>These sources have the patches you mentioned above
>already applied, and with them all mod_perl tests
>should pass.

Done - it looks like it's got the patch, but the problem's still
there when the Apache service is stopped...

In all cases, it looks like the mod_perl tests complete successfully.

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