Greg Cope wrote:
> Dear ALL
> I've writen a module that does transparent session management via either
> Cookies, Munged URI or Query Args.
> It has quite a few options to change the behavour, and appears stable in
> my developement environment.
> What I suggest is that unless there is a major objection I call it
> Apache::SessionManager and set up a Source Forge project with the same
> name.
> Unless there is a major issue I assume that by the weekend everyone whom
> wants to will have made thier view clear and will hopefully go forward
> from there.
> Regards
> Greg

Dear All

Not having heard anything bad about this I will go ahead a setup a
sourceforge project.

I also hot heard anything back from the poeple I sent a copy to, I can
hence only assume that its so good that it's made them speachless ;-)

Seriously, could poeple drop me a note as to how they found it ?  I do
not want to go to all the trouble of writing docs / install files /
source forge projects etc ... if its a load of rubbish and I am wasteing
my time.


Greg Cope

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