On 27 Oct 2000, (Randal L. Schwartz) wrote:

> >>>>> "Tim" == Tim Bunce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Tim> You could have a set of apache servers that are 'pure' DBI proxy
> Tim> servers.  That is, they POST requests containing SQL (for
> Tim> prepare_cached) plus bind parameter values and return responses
> Tim> containing the results.
> Tim> Basically I'm proposing that apache be used as an alternative
> Tim> framework for DBI::ProxyServer. Almost all the marshaling code
> Tim> and higher level logic is already in DBI::ProxyServer and
> Tim> DBD::Proxy. Shouldn't be too hard to do and you'd gain in all
> Tim> sorts of ways.
> You could also use SOAP or SOAP::Lite as the interface.  Most of that
> code seems ready for this kind of application already.

There are some issues still with this architecture, the primary one is
that SOAP is too heavy weight for anything that seriously needs connection
pooling for speed issues, especially in Perl (due to the XML parsing speed


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