Other than some of the caching other people talked about (eg squid)...You 
might also take a look at mod_mmap to hold the ads in shared memory among 
the Apache processes and still use mod_perl for the logic of which ad to serve.


At 09:46 AM 11/3/00 +0000, Nigel Hamilton wrote:
>I'm contracting for an Ad Serving company and we were mooting the idea of
>writing our own lean and mean web server for serving the Ads.
>We would like to hold all the Ads in memory (each Ad is less than 20K).
>The next thing is to create a pool of mod_perl-esque processes that will
>handle the AD requests and also hold persistent connections to the
>I would like to write this mini-server in perl ... but maybe a threaded
>programming language is better?
>Does anyone know a good process/threading model for handling the requests
>and passing them around? Will we see a significant performance improvement
>in any event?

Gunther Birznieks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
eXtropia - The Web Technology Company

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