This is a follow-up on a question that I asked a couple of 
months ago.  The subject was "executing a cgi from within a 
handler (templating redux)", dated 8/23/00.

The gist of the matter is that we need a handler which will 
serve html pages ('content files') inside of other html 
files ('template files'), while sticking other files and 
scripts ('component files') into the template at the same 
time.  Quasi-frames, if you will.  We've already covered 
why we didn't pick one of the readily-available packages to 
do this.

We've had a working handler that does _almost_everything it 
needs to do.  When the user requests a page, it figures out 
which template to use (based on the page requested), which 
component set to use (based on the user and the page), 
rolls the whole thing together and sends it along.

The wrapper can handle both static files and scripts as 
components or content files, and works really well most of 
the time.  However, we've run into a problem when a page 
needs to redirect after execution, such as a login page.

The problem is that when a component or content file is a 
script, the server executes that script when it encounters 
it in the template, a'la

- hey, the user wants foo.html
- the user is a member of group 'coders', and their 
component path is
- foo.html wants template set 1,
- go get /www/htdocs/components/coders/tmpl_1, and open
- begin printing the template file to the browser.  As the 
file goes by,
   watch for <[tags]> containing insertion points.
- hey, there's <[head]>, print or execute 
- hey, there's <[tool]>, print or execute 
- hey, there's <[cont]>, print or execute foo.html
- hey, there's <[foot]>, print or execute 
- finish printing /www/htdocs/components/coders/tmpl_1 and 

If /www/htdocs/components/coders/tool_1 has a redirect call 
in it, it's too late for the browser to actually do 
anything about it.

I managed to corner Nathan in New York (thanks, Nathan!). 
He recommended a two-stage handler, one that processes the 
components and content, and another that actually handles 
the printing.  Using $r->notes, the second handler could be 
aware of what it needed to do before printing 
anything.  This is a really good idea, but it's turning out 
to be more difficult than I anticipated.

The only way I can think of doing this is adding a third 
handler, in the middle, that executes any scripts and 
stores the output somewhere.  Then it would check the 
output for a Location: header and set something like 
$notes->{'redirect'} if it finds anything.  The third 
handler would then check that value before printing 
anything.  If it's there, do it; if not, grab the output 
and the static files and print them to the user.

I'm concerned about putting large amounts of data into 
$r->notes.  Some of our script output can be pretty 
heavy.  If $r->notes can only take simple strings, how 
large of a simple string is it safe to put in it?  Is there 
a better way to do this?

cheers and thanks,

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