Geoffrey Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> hi all...
> I was wondering if anyone has some experience with expire headers for
> dynamic documents - kinda like mod_expires but for dynamic stuff.

Andy Wardley has already clued me in, in two entirely different ways,
on doing something very similar with the Template Toolkit - I have
modtimes in files I'm templating or records pulled from a database...
> why?  well, say I have a handler that creates, say, a css document on the
> fly based upon fields in a database.  the css contents won't change
> regularly (if ever) but every request results in dynamic processing.
> Wouldn't it be nice to be able to cache dynamic results if I say it's ok?  
> (yes, one could just spit out a static document weekly or whatever, but
> that's not the point of this discussion, ok :)

Again, that's the TT way :-)

Dave Hodgkinson,                   
Editor-in-chief, The Highway Star 
      Apache, mod_perl, MySQL, Sybase hired gun for, well, hire

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