Maybe it's just me, but it seems that the responses richard has gotten
haven't really touched on the core of the problem.  That mod_perl isn't
exactly friendly to sysadmin's who want to run apache on a (i'm guessing),
student accessed server, with user dir's and all that other stuff.  I'm
pretty sure (for no particular reason), that there aren't many people on
this list that are doing that.  If you have .htaccess stuff turned on right
now, you can do all sorts of great things through apache that you wouldn't
want untrusted accounts on the box being able to do.  

The servers that had apache on them for users when i was at school didn't
even allow normal cgi, so i have no idea how one would approach doing
something like this with mod_perl.

If, on the other hand, i'm misinterpreting richards problems, feel free to
ignore me.


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