Thierry-Michel Barral [
    Hi everyone,
    I'm using Apache::Request, and I've encountered a bug !
    please, could it be possible to see very very soon a new release ?

Doug mentioned to me at ApacheCon (or it may have been back at TPC) that
he would like someone else to take over maintainence of
Apache::Request. If nobody volunteers, I'm willing to look at doing so,
although I've only just started that long road into using XS, so I'm more
likely to spend time applying patches than writing them.

I'm not sure I can do it myself, sorry [not good/talented/... enough] :( .

It could be really great if you can spend some time applying the
For me, but I'm pretty sure others would be very happy, because, after a
glance at this mailing list, I've concluded each guy has is own libapreq !

thanks for your help, in advance :o)


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