Matt Sergeant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Doug mentioned to me at ApacheCon (or it may have been back at TPC) that
> he would like someone else to take over maintainence of
> Apache::Request. If nobody volunteers, I'm willing to look at doing so,
> although I've only just started that long road into using XS, so I'm more
> likely to spend time applying patches than writing them.

I'd be happy to the help with the bulk of whatever needs fixing,
however I'm somewhat reluctant to volunteer to maintain such 
a critical package since

1) I have no experience maintaining CPAN'd perl packages,
2) other than broken stuff, I wouldn't seek to change much code 
  (especially *not* the API, but anything that reduces the memory
   footprint and/or increases performance would be of interest)
3) my familiarity with XS and perlguts is cursory at best.

But before anyone bites off more than they can chew, perhaps some 
discussion of the current bugs and future needs for libapreq should 
be aired out.

My own problems with libapreq revolved around the multipart buffer 
code, and since I patched it a while back, I haven't bumped into 
any other snags.

What are the other unresolved issues with libapreq? How much of the
"undocumented" API (like $q->parms) is in use?

Joe Schaefer

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