On Sat, 9 Dec 2000, Robin Berjon wrote:

> Hi,
> I feel bad insisting because I know most of you are probably at least as
> busy as I am. I posted a message a few days ago
> (http://www.geocrawler.com/lists/3/Web/182/200/4787953/) and didn't get a
> single answer. I understand if you don't want to read it as it's fairly
> long. Basically, I'm trying to some up with a way to implement custom
> directives by applying Perl source filters in httpd.conf, but for some
> reason it isn't working.
> If any of you know anything that could help me find a way to make it work
> (or give me a definitive answer that it simply can't be done) it'd be very
> much appreciated.

It slipped past me on a busy day, but looks like it could work well to
solve the segfaulting AxKit+PHP problems...

I'm wondering if its something simple like the filter needs to read the
file based on caller() in order to run the filter? I'd have to check the
source for Filter to be certain though.


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