At 23:28 08/12/2000 -0500, Jim Winstead wrote:
>On Dec 09, Robin Berjon wrote:
>> I feel bad insisting because I know most of you are probably at least as
>> busy as I am. I posted a message a few days ago
>> ( and didn't get a
>> single answer. I understand if you don't want to read it as it's fairly
>> long. Basically, I'm trying to some up with a way to implement custom
>> directives by applying Perl source filters in httpd.conf, but for some
>> reason it isn't working.
>the configuration file is actually read and processed by apache,
>so i don't see how perl source filters could be applied to it.

I thought as much, but I was hoping that there'd be a way to trick into
feeding it through Perl, probably using the Perl sections. But I guess it
intervenes too early in the process. However it's a pity that there is no
way to use a perl filter at least within <Perl>. I wouldn't mind putting my
entire httpd.conf within a <Perl> section provided that I could use a
filter, and thus keep the Apache config syntax + custom directives done
this way. I guess that Perl sections are eval()ed, and unfortunately eval
doesn't work with filters.

-- robin b.
There's too much blood in my caffeine system. 

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