Eran Keshet wrote:
> hi,
> im trying 2 call the "handler" function in Apache::asp from a perl module
> (in apache with mode_perl),
> i need 2 pass parameters 2 that function like the filename, and i tried 2
> modify the handler function accordingly,
> but i keep getting errors like " [client] need AuthName: /Test"
> ,

Just set AuthName in your httpd.conf.  I'll make this error go away
next release.  Also, set $r->filename($value) before you call the handler
and your file will work fine.  

> and i also need 2 change the file type from html 2 other types (like .wml)
> does anyone have experience in this stuff ?

$Response->{ContentType} ... you can do this for all your scripts
in your global.asa Script_OnStart based on matching the file's

-- Josh

Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA                1-714-625-4051

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