I have been getting some good feedback on the Apache::FileMan module.

FileMan provides a file manager for a web sites through a web browser. It
is a extensive rewrite of the Apache::AutoIndex.pm module (written by
Philippe M. Chiasson), which in turn was a remake of the autoindex Apache
module. FileMan can provide the same functionality as AutoIndex.pm and can
be used to both navigate and manage the web site.

I added a destination text field, which helps make the commands more
intuitive.  I also added a "View" command that allows you to view files
(MiME) within FileMan.

Now the command list includes: "Browse", "Upload", "Unzip", "Move", "Copy",
"Delete", "Mkdir", "View", "Help", and "SetGID".

A demo can be viewed at www.xorgate.com/FileMan/example/.XFM
user name=fileman

A new pre-release (version 0.02) tar ball file can be down loaded from

On Wed, 14 Dec 2000 Stas wrote:
>I already tell you that FileMan is not a very good choice as it reminds me
>of man page utility... Apache::FM Or Apache::FileMgr sounds like a better
>choice. But let the list do its job. 
Well I like the FileMan name, and I did a cpan i /fileman/ and i /FileMan/
with no response.

I plan to add an "Edit" command which I will provide an on-line text file
(HTML) editor from within FileMan.

A Michigan friend suggested learning aids, "FileMan for Dummies" interface.

All comments welcomed. 

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