Sam Horrocks wrote:
>  Don't agree.  You're equating the model with the implemntation.
>  Unix processes model concurrency, but when it comes down to it, if you
>  don't have more CPU's than processes, you can only simulate concurrency.

Hey Sam, nice module.  I just installed your SpeedyCGI for a good 'ol
HelloWorld benchmark & it was a snap, well done.  I'd like to add to the 
numbers below that a fair benchmark would be between mod_proxy in front 
of a mod_perl server and mod_speedycgi, as it would be a similar memory 
saving model ( this is how we often scale mod_perl )... both models would
end up forwarding back to a smaller set of persistent perl interpreters.

However, I did not do such a benchmark, so SpeedyCGI looses out a
bit for the extra layer it has to do :(   This is based on the 
suite at, but I have not
included the speedy test in that yet.

 -- Josh

Test Name                      Test File  Hits/sec   Total Hits Total Time sec/Hits   
------------                   ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
Apache::Registry v2.01  hello.cgi   451.9     27128 hits 60.03 sec  0.002213   
216 bytes  
Speedy CGI                     hello.cgi   375.2     22518 hits 60.02 sec  0.002665   
216 bytes  

Apache Server Header Tokens

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