On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, Rob Bloodgood wrote:
> Second of all, with the literally thousands of pages of docs necessary to
> understand in order to be really mod_perl proficient

Most of the documentation is really reference-oriented.  All the important
concepts in mod_perl performance tuning fit in a few pages of the guide.

> I mean, 1GB is a lot of ram.

It's all relative.  If you have significant traffic on your site, 1GB RAM
might not be nearly enough.

> And finally, I was hoping to prod somebody into posting snippets of
> and
> httpd.conf
> that describe SPECIFIC steps/checks/modules/configs designed to put a
> reasonable cap on resources so that we can serve millions of hits w/o
> needing a restart.

I think you're making this much harder than it needs to be.  It's this

MaxClients 30

PerlFixupHandler Apache::SizeLimit
  use Apache::SizeLimit;
  # sizes are in KB
  $Apache::SizeLimit::MAX_PROCESS_SIZE       = 30000;
  $Apache::SizeLimit::CHECK_EVERY_N_REQUESTS = 5;

If you're paranoid, you can throw BSD::Resource in the mix to catch
things like infinite loops in your code.

None of this will make your code faster or your server bigger.  It will
just prevent it from going into swap.  Having too much traffic can still
hose your site in lots of other ways that have nothing to do with swap and
everything to do with the design of your application and the hardware you
run it on, but there's nothing mod_perl-specific about those issues.

- Perrin

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