On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, Rob Bloodgood wrote:
> > Second of all, with the literally thousands of pages of docs necessary to
> > understand in order to be really mod_perl proficient
> Most of the documentation is really reference-oriented.  All the important
> concepts in mod_perl performance tuning fit in a few pages of the guide.
> > I mean, 1GB is a lot of ram.
> It's all relative.  If you have significant traffic on your site, 1GB RAM
> might not be nearly enough.
Definatly true.  Our site has a total of 26 gigs of ram between all
servers.  In some places our site could use more ram(the database) in
other cases, it gives us 500 megs that rarely get used except in the
biggest peak.

> I think you're making this much harder than it needs to be.  It's this
> simple:
> MaxClients 30
> PerlFixupHandler Apache::SizeLimit
> <Perl>
>   use Apache::SizeLimit;
>   # sizes are in KB
>   $Apache::SizeLimit::MAX_PROCESS_SIZE       = 30000;
>   $Apache::SizeLimit::CHECK_EVERY_N_REQUESTS = 5;
> </Perl>
This is just like telling an ISP that they can only have 60ish dial
in lines for modems because that could theoreticly fill their T1.  Even
though they would probably hardly even hit 50% if they only had 60 modems
for a T1.

The idea that any process going over 30 megs should be killed is probably
safe.  The solution though is only really valid if our normal process is
29 megs.  Otherwise we are limiting each system to something lower then it


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